Germinating paper

Paper production

Germinating paper

Germinating paper is a product that combines the art of handmade paper with gastronomy and botany.

It's made by hand at the Museum using 100% cotton fibre that's free from elemental chlorine (ECF) and has no additives. The cotton used to produce paper comes from fibres left over in the cotton industry.

Cotton is the fibre with the highest percentage (99%) of cellulose found in nature and the one with the lowest content of inorganic matter.

What is germination?

Germination is the process by which a seed wakes up from its dormant state and starts to sprout.

Water is the force that triggers this process: it softens the outer shell and activates the enzymes inside the seed that will convert the substances surrounding the embryo into nutrients, used by the seed to grow until it develops leaves and roots and can therefore get its energy from sunlight. These stored nutrients are broken down into simpler molecules, which can be more easily assimilated by our bodies.

The mineral and vitamin content increases dramatically during germination and they are also a good source of antioxidants and anticancer substances thanks to their chlorophyll and anthocyanin content.

All this makes sprouted seeds the most complete food in the plant world and also the least contaminated, since only good quality seeds germinate and no pesticides or fertilisers have been used to grow them - just water.

In Asian countries, sprouted seeds have been consumed since 3000 BC for their therapeutic properties. Around the 18th century they arrived in the West where they were initially used as a remedy to prevent scurvy due to their high concentration of vitamin C. It wasn't until the 1970s that sprouts began to arouse the interest of a wide sector of the population.

Germinating or sprouted seeds are perfect for adding a fresh, sophisticated touch to your dishes whilst also improving their nutritional content.

What is germination?




Allium cepa

Onion sprouts have a piquant taste reminiscent of the adult plant but it's milder and doesn't repeat.
Onion sprouts are packed with vitamins A, B, C and E. They also contain a large amount of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc, and 20% protein.

Col llombarda

Brassicaoleracea var. capitata f. Rubra.

Els brots de col llombarda contenen compostos sulfurats en concentracions 50 vegades superiors a les del vegetal madur. Aquests compostos contribueixen a millorar moltes funcions del nostre organisme.
A més contenen vitamines A, B1, B2, C i Antocianina, el pigment responsable de la coloració violeta, que actua com a un potent antioxidant.


Papaver Rhoeas

Poppy sprouts have a particular cottony texture, delicate and highly aromatic.
They're very rich in unsaturated fatty acids and also provide antioxidants (anthocyanin), group B vitamins, phosphorus and magnesium.


Brassica campestris

This is the spiciest sprout, with a flavour reminiscent of the condiment that's made using the seeds from this plant.
Mustard sprouts contain calcium, sulphur, phosphorus, potassium, iron and vitamins A, B and C, while their high content of essential oils facilitates digestion and intestinal transit.


Raphanus sativus

Radish sprouts contain twice the amount of calcium as adult radishes.
They also provide potassium, phosphorus and, in smaller amounts, iron and vitamins A, B and C.
They have a strong, slightly hot taste reminiscent of adult radishes and their consistency means they can be used for fast-cooked dishes, for instance in a wok.

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